About hope in concrete
As for the form of this work, the apparent video documentation of an installation is not itself merely a documentation. It is a video work in its own right, reflecting, through its conception and its deceptive relationship to reality, the fictitious narrative construction on which the State of Israel was built and continues to be built (see in this regard How the State of Israel was invented? by Shlomo Sand).
This video is the result of the assembly of three distinct shots of the same cement mixer filmed in three different positions, making up the fictional documentation of an installation that only partially existed. The documented reality is a fictional concoction, so that the presupposed observation reported by the camera apparatus, the reality to which this video bears witness, is more the manifestation of a fable than of an honest relationship to reality, just as Zionist propaganda tells a story that suits itself, composes a narrative that voluntarily detaches itself from this same honest relationship to reality and tries to rewrite its story in order to redefine history and thus influence the future.
It is this unethical relationship to the world of Zionist propaganda that manifests itself in the very conception of this video.