MultivEarth IV
D 25 cm
But this is no mere repetition or declension. There is a change of scale here, and perhaps also a shift in time. From the core sample extracted from the ground, we move on to a planetary observation of the damage caused by capitalism; the camera suddenly moves back; and, on the other hand, we can also imagine that the one-off observation of the accumulation of successive layers of concrete through the study of the ground translated by the Geology of a disaster project has gradually been extended to the whole planet. We could therefore see here the metaphorical chronological continuation of the Geology of a disaster series.
To this is added an additional dimension through the idea of a series, that of imagining different versions of the Earth where each capitalist scenario would lead to a different concretification of our planet or, more generally, to its systematic transformation into an environment unfit for life in all the capitalist universes present concurrently according to the theory of the multiverse to which the title of this series refers.
As I explained in the Under Pressure project, the aim here, as in other projects, is to attack the imaginary constructed around capitalism in order to work, work after work, towards its end by changing the way it is perceived. In other words, my approach is to try to bring down the masks with the means at hand, which are peanuts, but I've heard it said that every stone in an edifice has its importance.