Reflexions on the ever growing place of media technology
Shot in 2005, edited in 2018.
One camera is on a stand and the performer films blind with a board camera, as an extension of the body.
/Reflexions on the ever growing place of media technology - n°I
DV Pal, color, sound, 4 min 55 sec
Performed by Jérémie Pujau
/Reflexions on the ever growing place of media technology - n°II
DV Pal, color, sound, 43 sec
Performed by Thierry Toth
/Reflexions on the ever growing place of media technology - n°III
DV Pal, color, sound, 3 min 16 sec
Performed by Thibault Balcean and Jérémie Pujau (video on demand)
Thanks to Karine Davancens, Thibault Balcaen and Thierry Toth.