Hecatomb III - Martha Hincapié Charry


Editor and colorist

„HEKATOMBE III“ combines a two channel video-installation and live performance by choreographer and performer Martha Hincapié Charry. Video projections portray leaders of native peoples from territories and cultures of the so-called Americas, entering into a synchronous dialogue with one another.  „movements and rituals for the renewal of the world“ creates a web of relationships that expands into cartographies, dances, and soundscapes and aims to embody earth's fabric: our shared home.

„HEKATOMBE III“ reflects on the relationship between human beeings and Gaia – the idea of the Earth as a dynamic living being – through the lens of indigenous ceremony. From an anti-colonial perspective, the performance documents millennia-old practices and messages, interweaving the visions, movements, and wisdom of a reciprocal relationship with planet earth.

Artistic Direction and Live Performance
Martha Hincapié Charry

Sara Carrillo and the Wixarika Community
Mama Shibulata and the Kággaba Community

Hugo Esquinca

Davide Camplani

Stage Design
Hannah Grimme

Light Design
Jörg Bittner

Video Editing / Color Grading
Jérémie Pujau

Video Shooting
Liliana Merizalde - La Vuelta al Día
Fernando Frias Rodriguez

Production Management
Diethild Meier

Production Assistent
Julia Zange

Unterstützt durch die IMPACT-Förderung der Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch das Theaterhaus Berlin.
Medienpartnerschaften: Exberliner, Rausgegangen, taz. die tageszeitung, tip Berlin.